Friday, Feb. 5th, 2010


Row 2000m

rest 5 min

Max rnds of: (Min 3 rnds)
10 ring dips unbroken
30 sec rest

Thursday, Feb. 4th, 2010


KB swings 1.5p

rest 5 min

3 x 10 Toes to bar
1 min rest between sets

Tuesday, Feb. 2nd, 2010


"Tabata This"
Tabata intervals of:

Monday, Feb. 1st, 2010

Full warmup


Stretch 10 min

Friday, Jan. 29th, 2010

Quick 5-10 min warmup

OC throwdown WOD #3

5 rounds:

45 sec AMRAP Dead Lift – 225#/155#

Rest 15 sec

45 sec AMRAP Burpees

Rest 15 sec

(Total reps are athletes’ score. Burpees need to be done with an upright torso, no muted hips and a visible jump off the ground must occur)

rest 10 min

OC throwdown WOD #4

5 min max clean in lbs; rest 0 sec

5 min Cindy (chest-bar pullups) for total reps; rest 0 sec

5 min row calories

Total score = max 1RM weight lifted in lbs + total reps in 5 min Cindy + total cals in 5 min rowed (i.e. 285# + 240 reps (8 rounds) + 100 cals = score of 625 score)

Highest score wins…! Athlete is responsible for putting weights on and off.

Thursday, Jan. 28th, 2010

Quick 5-10 min Warm-up

OC throwdown WOD #1

7 rounds for time;

5 squat clean thruster

10 toes to bar

(each round, the weight for the thruster increases by 10#, it is the athletes responsibility to change the weight per round, clips and weights will be provided; toes to bar is part of shoe touching the bar starting from a dead hang; thruster starting weight for guys is 95# increasing to 155# by 7thround, gals starting weight is 45# increasing to 105# by 7th round)

rest 10 min

OC throwdown WOD #2

For time;

20 unbroken chin ups

Row 500 m

20 unbroken chin ups

Row 500 m

20 unbroken chin ups

(If an athlete breaks the chin ups or fractions them by coming off the bar at any point in the 20 reps, they have to start at 0 again, rowers damper and foot setting is up to athlete. Chin MUST PASS THE VERTICAL PLANE OF THE BAR TO COUNT.

Tuesday, Jan. 26th, 2010


max Bench

rest 5 min

3rnds of:
10 ring dips (unbroken)
30 wallball (unbroken)
50 box jumps (unbroken)

*every time your set is broken add 5 burpees to the end of the workout

Monday, Jan. 25th, 2010


max snatch

rest 5 min

Deadlift 225#
ring pushups
400m run

New standard warmup

3 min of skipping (finish with 50 DUs)
750m row at 22 strokes/min @ ~60% (last 250m at 30 strokes/min @ ~85%)

then dynamic stretching from head to toe ~3min

then a callistetic progression of:
15 - kipping pullups, pushups, situps, squats, back ext.
10 - ring rows, dips, V-ups, jumping squats, hip+back exts
5 - strict pullups, handstand pushups, GHD situps, pistols, Glute-ham raises
(you don't have to do these as fast as possible but at a reasonable quick pace)

then perform active release stretching on any tight muscles 3x30 sec/muscle

then 10 - eagles, scorpions, dead-bug and hip mobility

then samson stretch 30 sec

total time ~20-30 min

Friday, Jan. 22, 2010

Deadlift 235#
Bench Press 155#
Squat Clean 115#

rest 10 min

8 x 30m sprints w/ 30sec rest

Thursday, Jan. 21st, 2010

Thrusters 95#

rest 10 min

KB swings 1.5 pood

Tuesday, Jan. 19th, 2010

Front Squat

rest 5 min

4 rnds of
AMRAP in 30 sec DL at 315#
rest 1 min
AMRAP in 30 sec HSPUs
rest 1min
AMRAP in 30 sec Pullups
rest 1 min

Monday, January 18th, 2010

work up to a max Clean and Jerk

rest 5 min

for 1 min perform up to 30 pullups for every pullup missed perform that many pushups the following minute. Continue for as long as you can finish the pushups within the following minute.

rest 5 min

max pistols each leg

Friday, Jan. 15th, 2010

1000m row
50 thrusters 45#
30 pullups

rest 10 min

Ring pushups
GHD situps

rest 5 min

practice free standing handstand for 2min total work

Thursday, Jan. 14th, 2010

Bench Press

rest 5 min

5 rnds of:
1 min 20# Wall ball
1 min 135# DL
1 min rest

rest 5 min

max kipping pullups

Tuesday, Jan. 12th, 2010

Front Squat

rest 5 min

3rnds of:
50 Double Unders
40 situps
30 squats
20 knees to elbows
10 strict pullups

rest 5 min

Skill work - 3 rnds of:

L-sit parallel bar (PB) tuck - 20 sec
rest 20 sec
L-sit PB low (legs straight feet just off ground) - 10 sec
rest 20 sec
L-sit PB (legs straight parallel to ground - rounded back) - 5 sec
rest 20 sec

Monday, Jan. 11th, 2010

Jerk (clean from floor)

rest 5 min

50 pullups
50 pushups
50 situps
50 squats

rest 3 min

1 min Handstand hold
30 sec L-sit
15 sec Front Lever tuck (try to get your hips and shoulders horizontal)

Friday, Jan 8th, 2010

CFWU x 2

3 rnds of:
5 reps 185# Clean & Jerk
10 HSPUs

rest 5 min

2 rnds of:
2x30 yrd sprints
30 KB swings
2x30 yrd sprints
30 box jumps

rest 5 min

3 times through the following progression
15 sec Planche - frog stand
10 sec Planche - advanced frog stand
5 sec Planche - tuck

Thursday, Jan. 7th, 2010

Bench Press

rest 5 min

5 rnds of:
1 min 20# Wall ball
1 min 135# DL
1 min rest

rest 5 min

max wide grip pullups
max straddle L PB-low

Tuesday, Jan. 5th, 2009

Front Squat

rest 5 min

5 rnds:
10 GHD situps
5 Muscle ups

rest 3 min

3 max elbow lever holds

Monday, Jan. 4th, 2009

7 rounds of:
3 Hang Power Snatch
2 Power Snatch
1 Snatch
(use same weight for all three lifts, complete all three in a row then rest)
rest 2 min/rnd

50 Pullups
50 Pushups
50 Situps
50 Squats

rest 3 min

1 min Handstand hold
30 sec L-sit
15 sec Front Lever tuck (try to get your hips and shoulders horizontal)