Friday, Jan 8th, 2010

CFWU x 2

3 rnds of:
5 reps 185# Clean & Jerk
10 HSPUs

rest 5 min

2 rnds of:
2x30 yrd sprints
30 KB swings
2x30 yrd sprints
30 box jumps

rest 5 min

3 times through the following progression
15 sec Planche - frog stand
10 sec Planche - advanced frog stand
5 sec Planche - tuck

1 comment:

  1. WOD 1

    Time 10:11
    Sub C&J 165#
    Completed 7 HSPUs in the first round then the remaining were completed with my feet on a box (24")

    WOD 2

    Time 5:53
